MSC – Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries and MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) standards help companies and organisations to promote and identify wild caught fish as sustainable and well managed. Control Union Peru is accredited by ASI (Accreditation Services International) for the ASC and MSC CoC programs. Control Union UK is accredited by ASI (Accreditation Services International) for MSC Fisheries assessments and MSC / ASC CoC audit programs.
Apply now for the MSC certification!
Marine Stewardship Council
About the standard
The MSC certification process covers fish caught from ‘vessel to plate’ and across the whole supply chain.
The Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) principles and criteria for sustainable fishing were developed in 1999 as a method for promoting sustainable fisheries. The MSC standard applies to wild-capture fisheries only – whatever their size, type or location.
Three main principles
The MSC’s standard for determining environmentally sustainable, well-managed fisheries centres around three main principles: the condition of the fish stock, the fishery’s impact on the surrounding ecosystem and the effectiveness and performance of the fishery’s management system. To ensure that a fishery’s products are sold correctly from boat to plate, the scheme is also supported by the MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) standard. This provides rules for the purchase, processing and sale of certified products.

MSC Chain of Custody
The principles of the MSC Chain of Custody are:
Purchasing from a certified supplier
Certified products are identifiable
Certified products are segregated
Traceability and volumes are recorded
Organisation has a management system
Getting certified now
Get your ASC and MSC CoC program by Control Union Peru
Control Union Peru, is a certification body that carries out inspections, audits, verifications and certifications of various programs. It is accredited by ASI (Accreditation Services International) for the ASC and MSC CoC programs
Apply now for the MSC certification! -
Control Union Peru has a staff of qualified auditors worldwide, allowing us to make our work more efficient and profitable for our clients
If you would like more information, please contact any of the local Control Union offices
More information about MSC program on Control Union Peru
How you benefit
The benefits of the MSC standard

How can I help you?
Are you looking for a certain service or do you have any questions about the certification program? Let me know. My name is Eerik Schipper and I’m glad to help.