RHS – Responsible Hemp Standard

Control Union’s Responsible Hemp Standard redefines the global hemp industry by championing the advancement of the modern industrial hemp industry, whether its certified hemp fiber destined for the garment industry, cellulose for commercial product development or primary or secondary non-direct ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry or health and wellness.

RHS – Responsible Hemp Standard
    Responsible Hemp Standard (RHS)

    About the standard

    Developed by the hemp industry, for the hemp industry, this network-driven approach unites farms, businesses, and partners, enhancing traceability, social compliance, sustainability and regenerative agricultural practices within a certified hemp supply chain.

    At its core, the Responsible Hemp Standard is a first-of-its-kind initiative in the agricultural sector, aimed at promoting responsible practices and ensuring the sustainable production of hemp-based products. The standard encompasses various sectors, including woven, non-woven, food, and feed, each with its own specific chain of custody models designed to address sector-specific requirements. RHS was crafted to elevate the global hemp industry through elevated traceability and transparency, anchored in sustainable farming practices, regenerative agricultural methodology, and social compliance.

    The power behind this network-driven voluntary certification model lies in the collaboration and collective action of stakeholders across the supply chain. By joining forces, hemp farms, businesses, and other actors create a cohesive network that supports the implementation and enforcement of sustainability standards.

    Forward-thinking hemp supply chains

    The Responsible Hemp Standard (RHS) represents a comprehensive framework that covers a spectrum of crucial areas vital for participating farms. The program’s unique emphasis on these core facets empowers farms to flourish within a certified and forward-thinking hemp supply chain, harmonized with industry-wide sustainability norms and market requisites. RHS’s dedication to sustainability underscores environmental and social responsibility, while Crop Management provides guidance for optimal cultivation practices. From the meticulous execution of Harvesting methods to the observance of Processing guidelines, correct approaches are maintained.

    RHS places importance on Management Responsibility, highlighting leadership and accountability, along with Training of Personnel, equipping individuals with indispensable knowledge for success.

    Key areas of RHS

    1. Scope:
      Defines the boundaries and applicability of the standard.
    2. Terms and Definitions:
      Provides clarity on key terminologies used within the standard.
    3. General Requirements:
      Outlines the overarching principles and criteria for certification.
    4. Management Responsibility:
      Emphasizes the importance of leadership and accountability.
    5. Training of Personnel:
      Highlights the need for educating and empowering individuals involved.
    6. Health & Safety:
      Focuses on ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.
    7. Facilities & Equipment:
      Addresses the infrastructure and equipment necessary for compliance.
    8. Documentation:
      Sets guidelines for record-keeping and documentation procedures.
    9. Quality:
      Ensures consistent quality standards throughout the production process.
    10. Sustainability:
      Places a strong emphasis on environmental and social sustainability.
    11. Crop Management:
      Covers best practices for the cultivation and management of hemp crops.
    12. Harvesting:
      Outlines procedures for proper harvesting techniques.
    13. Processing:
      Guides the processing and extraction of hemp-based materials.
    14. Storage:
      Addresses requirements for appropriate storage conditions.
    15. Packaging & Labeling:
      Specifies standards for packaging and accurate labeling.
    16. Laboratory:
      Sets guidelines for laboratory testing and quality assurance.
    17. Waste Management:
      Emphasizes responsible waste management practices.

    How you benefit

    Participating in the Responsible Hemp Standard (RHS) program offers a multitude of benefits for individuals, farms, and businesses across the hemp supply chain. By aligning with RHS, you gain access to a certified and sustainable hemp network, enhancing your reputation and building consumer trust. The program’s emphasis on transparency and traceability ensures that your products meet rigorous standards, setting you apart in the market. RHS provides a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and continuous improvement, fostering innovation within the industry. Whether you’re a farmer, manufacturer, or retailer, RHS offers the tools and framework needed to succeed in a responsible and thriving hemp supply chain.

    Apply now or request information about RHS

    Enhanced Market Opportunities

    Engaging in the Responsible Hemp Standard (RHS, a first-of-its-kind hemp centric certified supply chain unlocks new avenues in the global marketplace. Farms committed to the RHS and Businesses that embrace the environmental and social governances practiced under RHS appeal to eco-conscious consumers, allowing for farmers to gain a competitive advantage over the non-certified markets, and accessing specialized markets with stringent sustainability demands.

    Elevated Reputation and Consumer Confidence

    Agricultural programs like the RHS, Certification programs backed by a strong network convey credibility and build consumer trust. Being part of a certified supply chain backed by one of largest independent certifying bodies across the globe, assures customers that the products they purchase meet rigorous sustainability criteria, which enhances brand reputation and loyalty.

    Mitigated Risk Exposure

    Operating within a network-driven certification model reduces supply chain risks. By aligning with sustainable sourcing programs, businesses mitigate potential reputational, legal, and operational risks associated with non-compliance or environmental concerns.

    Shared Expertise and Collaborative Synergy

    Control Union, the network behind the RHS program serves as a platform for knowledge interchange, best practices dissemination, and collaborative endeavors among participants. This collective learning culture drives continuous enhancement, innovation, and the establishment of universally embraced sustainability benchmarks.

    Distinguished Market Presence

    A certified hemp supply chain sets itself apart from conventional alternatives across the global arena. Demonstrating adherence to sustainability standards enables the attraction of conscious consumers and differentiates the brand, commanding premium pricing and market recognition.

    Enlarged Market Reach

    Participation in a certified supply chain widens access to markets prioritizing ethically sourced and sustainable products. Hemp producers can tap into diverse consumer bases, fostering global expansion opportunities and market diversification.

    Sustained Long-Term Viability

    As hemp emerges as a pivotal global commodity, sustainability emerges as a paramount aspect of sustained success. A certified supply chain assures buyers of responsible sourcing, aligning with regulations, while addressing environmental and social imperatives. This solidifies hemp’s enduring relevance in a rapidly evolving landscape.

    Hemp standard contact

    How can we help you?

    Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. Our Hemp team is glad to help you.